First Aid

Samuel Perkins • 18 March 2022

Every occupation is required to have it, here's some tips to get it right

Every occupation must have at least some kind of first aid plans in place. Depending on the size of the occupation depends on how much first aid requirements need to be met and who is required to maintain first aid or who is trained in first aid. HSE suggests as a minimum, a low-risk workplace such as a small office should have a first-aid box and a person appointed to take charge of first-aid arrangements, such as calling the emergency services if necessary. With any occupation, all workers need to be made aware of the first aid arrangements. Further arrangements are required for larger businesses which will further discussed.

There are various roles within the first aid arrangements. These include First-aider the employer, employee, people in the offshore industry, people in the commercial diving industry and first aid trainers. All have different rules they must follow.

First-aider - A first-aider is someone who has undertaken training appropriate to the circumstances. They must hold a valid certificate of competence in either first aid at work, emergency first aid at work or any other level of training or qualification that is appropriate to the circumstances

Employer – Must know the first aid arrangements. They need to consider what circumstances could affect workers and could present a risk to safety before deciding what arrangements are put in place. Employers are responsible for ensuring that employees receive immediate attention if they are taken ill or are injured at work. Employers are required to take a first aid assessment.

Employee – Doesn’t have specific first aid requirements but should be made aware of any health issues. Any major first aid issues should be dealt with by the employer who should inform employers of adequate information and facilities.

First Aid Trainers – The HSE has set out the requirements that need to be met within first aid training. These criteria include: the qualifications expected of trainers and assessors monitoring and quality assurance systems, teaching and standards of first-aid practice, syllabus content and certification

For small, low risk occupations, a first aid box maybe sufficient to meet the first aid requirements. The HSE suggests that a first aid box must contain the following…a leaflet giving general guidance on first aid (for example, HSE's leaflet Basic advice on first aid at work); individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted sizes), appropriate to the type of work (hypoallergenic plasters can be provided if necessary); sterile eye pads; individually wrapped triangular bandages, preferably sterile; safety pins; large sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings; medium-sized sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings; disposable gloves.

For larger occupations or occupations that are deemed high risk, further first aid requirements need to be required. These further requirements may vary but could include deliberators being on standby with the adequate training amongst the employers and employees as well as further medical features that full under the HSE requirements. It should be noted that giving someone any medical substance such as medicine or tablets DOES NOT full under the first aid requirements and is advised against unless given medical clearance to do so or if it is aspirin in the case of a suspected heart attack.

It is important to take all first aid seriously and that the right action is taken place within the occupation even for what may seem as the most minor of injuries as they could still affect operations for example a minor cut could still cause a major health risk not only to the injured person through potential infection but possibly to other people if any blood was to get on any surfaces or machinery being worked on. In case of that the wounds will have to be sealed through a plaster and in case of any blood dropping onto any object, surface, or machinery, then they must be cleaned to prevent the risk of anyone else facing health issues due to the blood even if it’s low risk. Make sure your occupations first aid plans and procedures are in place and working efficiently as well as everyone knowing their role in terms what do in the case of an issue that requires first aid to be used. In doing so safety risks can be lowered and maintained. 

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