How do we help manage hazards?

We like to follow a common process at high level, commonly called a Deming cycle.  We've explained it below to help you understand how we add value


'Planning' in a Deming Cycle is all about laying groundwork for the future.  With Safety, we're talking about things like:

  • Writing your Health and Safety Policy
  • Determining the approach to Hazard Identification and Assessment 
  • Determining the Hazard Management Strategy
  • Deciding how to consult employees / stakeholders

We provide consultancy to business owners to help them develop appropriate plans for their situation.


'Doing' in a Deming Cycle is all about taking action - for safety management, this is things like:

  • Identifying Hazard Scope
  • Assessing Hazard and Risk
  • Determining safety measures to be implemented
  • Implementing safety measures
  • Planned safety measure checks / inspections
  • Doing 'toolbox talks'
  • Training workers
  • Actively engaging employees - Running safety committees etc.
  • Investigating safety reporting data
  • Recovering from an event
  • Investigating an event

We provide expert guidance and can support these activities as required - this may be on a complete outsource basis for some of these activities


'Checking' in a Deming Cycle is all about:

1. That the general direction of travel is in-line with the plan, and;

2. Confirming that the actions that have been done support the plan

Within a safety campaign, this is things like:

  • Confirming that the process remains fit for purpose
  • Confirming that risk assessment outputs remain valid
  • Confirming that the arrangements remain fit for purpose
  • Performing snap inspections of equipment
  • Performing planned periodic inspections of equipment
  • Performing snap process Audits
  • Performing planned process Audits
  • Surveys of workers
  • Liaisons with Enforcing / Permissioning Authorities


'Acting' in a Deming Cycle is all about starting the process back at the 'Plan' phase, in a smaller more confined form - only doing to planned or new activities as needed to support the Plan as originally implemented or address the concerns found through Checking.

A new, smaller 'Doing' phase follows this and the cycle continues on in an spiral fashion through time.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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